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Conservation Commission Minutes 2/22/2012
Conservation Commission Meeting
February 22, 2012

Present: Members - Carol Irvin, Neal Brown, Karen Day
Guests: Bob Marshall, Janet and Paul Renaud

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm.  

Rocci Aguirre from the Monadnock Conservancy came in to talk to us about an easement on the Carbee property. It would be 65 acres and abuts the George Proctor Recreation area, and other property that already have easements on them.

The Conservancy is in a fund raising phase now and intend to close the transaction in June. This meeting is just a beginning conversation into the availability of funds to help with this easement. The possibility of helping with closing costs exists and may be the best use of the limited funds we have.

Bob Marshall from the Planning Board (PB) came in to talk to us about the Ground Water Ordinance and how they can promote it. The PB would like to have the Vision Plan photoshoot presentation at the Round-Up dinner. The ConCom felt that this would be a good idea.

Round-Up will be on the April 21st and the dinner will be at 5:30pm. The envelope stuffing party will be on April 12th at the Library meeting room at 7pm. Neal will reserve the room at the Library. Envelopes will be sent out on the 17th. The poster for the school has to be ready by the 12th also.  

Karen will call and order the bags from NH the Beautiful. Carol will talk to the Woman’s Club about the dinner and she will also speak to Carol Burgess about the dumpster for Round-Up day.

Adjourned at 9:30 pm